Canadian National News

2024 saw less crime in Edmonton, but police say safety perceptions persist – Edmonton [Video]

The Edmonton Police Service released its preliminary data on crime and policing in the city in 2024 and says while there was a drop in crime, you might not know it because public perceptions have not yet caught up.

“People are not yet feeling the shifts we see,” Police Chief Dale McFee said during Thursday’s lengthy presentation delving into the statistics.

“They tell us that their own perceptions of safety are tied as much to the disorder they see as the actual crime they experience and witness.

Despite a 5.1 per cent increase in calls for service — which the EPS said is their highest on record — police said the overall crime severity in Edmonton decreased by 3.5 per cent compared to the previous year, reaching the lowest level in 10 years.

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Some of those calls for service came from EPS officers themselves as they were patrolling or engaging in proactive policing on …

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