Those looking for a new place may want to check out Canada’s cheapest cities for rentals.
Rental website’s 2025 Canada Rental Market Trend Report is out and it includes insights for renters including places to find a bargain.
In the last few months, rents declined across Canada to an average of $2,100 January or down 4.4 per cent compared to a year ago to reach an 18-month low, according to the last rent report from and Urbanation.
With more properties on the market, some landlords are even offering giveaways and incentives to lure new tenants.
Ontario’s average monthly rent for an unfurnished one-bedroom unit is $1,939, up just 0.99 per cent year-over-year a sharp drop from 2023’s 13.05 per cent increase, according to the report.
This could be a good time for renters to look for a better deal, and those with some flexibility may want to check out less expensive cities. While the GTA remains expensive, …