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8th annual Native American Day festival held in Tulsa | News [Video]

First Nations News

TULSA, Okla. — On Monday, the eighth annual Native American Day festival brought in large crowds to Dream Keepers Park in Tulsa to celebrate Native American culture and tradition.

FOX23 was at the event and talked to people about why this day is so special.

This year’s theme is ‘Voices Above, Voices Within, Voices United’ and most of the voices at the festival were from a younger generation.

Broken Arrow brought over 100 students to celebrate and keep traditions alive.

A vibrant parade, traditional dances and songs that fill hearts with pride.

“It’s amazing to show people that we’re still here, that Natives are still here. We’re still participating in our culture and it’s continuing to live on. No matter what obstacles stand in our way, we’re still here. We’re still able to dance and to participate in our culture,” Mia Powell said.

The festival is an opportunity for the …

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