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Concerns from Okanagan fruit farmers understood: province [Video]

Canadian Environment and Climate

After a devastating winter for B.C. farmers, the outlook of many attending the BC Fruit Growers convention this week was bleak.

Okanagan farmers are less than positive about their prospects after a cold snap destroyed crops and they’re calling for governmental support to help them carry on.

It’s a message the province is well aware of, according to a statement released Friday.

“We recognize the challenges that farmers are facing. Farmers are dealing with compounding hardships like climate change and inflation, which is why we have been proactively working on strengthening support for farmers so that they can carry on with their vital work, and maintain a stable, sustainable food supply,” Agriculture and Food Minister Pam Alexis said.

Alexis said a historic $200-million investment in agriculture and food security last year can be seen through projects that support emergency planning and preparedness; irrigation, water storage and delivery; and replacing unproductive, …

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