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Center for Islamic Life at Rutgers University in NJ vandalized during Muslim holy period of Eid al-Fitr [Video]

New Brunswick News

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ (WABC) — The Rutgers University Police Department is investigating an act of vandalism and burglary at one of the school’s hubs for religious gatherings.

It was discovered at the Center for Islamic Life at Rutgers University on College Ave early Wednesday morning.

Authorities say people broke into the building and damaged windows, electronics and artwork.

The attack comes as Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan and is considered one of the holiest periods of the year.

According to the Rutgers Police Department, a suspect or suspects forced their way into the building and began to damage several valuable items.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported as the building was empty at the time of the incident.

The Center for Islamic Life said in a statement on its Facebook page that the incident was “undoubtedly fueled by Islamophobia” and is “clearly a hate crime.”

“Today, we witnessed art pieces with Quranic verses, shattered windows, vandalized TVs, broken …

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