The Role of Clean Fuels in an Energy Transition
The Role of Clean Fuels in an Energy Transition
Provincial trade barriers block Canada’s trucking industry

Partly Cloudy and Warm Wednesday W/ Late Day Showers/Thunder Possible [Video]

Canadian Environment and Climate

WEDNESDAY- THURSDAY:It’s a relatively warm start to our Wednesday with morning lows in the 30s to near 40 in most locations. The average lows this time of year are in the 20s and low 30s. Today will be a bit warmer than Tuesday, with highs in the mid to upper-60s. A few light showers are showing up on the radar, but we have a layer of dry air limiting much of what you see from making it down to the surface before it dries up. However, a low-pressure system from Canada will bring scattered rain showers into North Dakota and Minnesota on this evening into Thursday morning, so expect some rain coming down, with even a couple rolls of thunder possible! In some of the stronger t-storms, small hail can’t be entirely ruled out. Then we’re back into the mid-50s on Thursday afternoon, with breezy winds up to 30 mph in …

Douglas Murray and Brian Lee Crowley: In Defence of Western Civilization
Douglas Murray and Brian Lee Crowley: In Defence of Western Civilization
We’re falling further behind China in critical minerals: Heather Exner-Pirot in the Financial Post