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Why the lines on P.E.I. roads are harder to see this time of year [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

If it seems like the lines painted on P.E.I. roads don’t shine as bright as they used to, you’re not wrong.

“We hear that pretty well every year this time of year,” said Stephen Yeo, chief engineer for the provincial Department of Transportation. 

There are a couple of reasons why: snow clearing and federal government regulations, he said. 

Ottawa implemented environmental policies about a decade ago that forced the province to stop using the oil-based paint it always had up to that point. 

Some P.E.I. roads will have their lines repainted and reflectors replaced this year. Stephen Yeo, chief engineer with the Department of Transportation, explains why the paint wears off so quickly.

Yeo said the department tried latex paint, but that wore off the roads in a matter of weeks. Now, they’re using a “lesser quality” oil paint, but one that complies with environmental standards, he said. 

“It doesn’t perform like it used to.” 

Glass beads …

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