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Alberta explores alternative route out of Fort McMurray as wildfire forces residents to flee [Video]

Alberta News

As thousands of Fort McMurray residents were again forced to flee their homes due to an out-of-control wildfire, the provincial government said Wednesday it is exploring another roadway out of the northern Alberta community.

On Tuesday afternoon, several Fort McMurray neighbourhoods were evacuated, with about 6,600 residents forced from their homes.

As they headed south, the roads were extremely congested as people left their homes and headed out of the city, bringing back memories of 2016, when the entire municipality was evacuated.

“Especially with a big population, being able to get out of town safely is very important,” said Fort McMurray evacuee Hannah Swan. “It felt like last time.”

Highways 63 and 881 are the only highways leading south out of Fort McMurray.

Premier Danielle Smith told reporters on Wednesday that early work is underway for an alternative route of out Fort McMurray.

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“We have commenced a process to do consultation on Highway 686, which would link the Peace Region to Fort McMurray,” …

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