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Calgary looks to density and development to tackle housing crisis [Video]

Alberta News

As a housing crisis continues in Calgary, the city is looking to strike a balance between increasing density – both in established neighbourhoods and in new ones.

The day after councillors approved a contentious blanket rezoning item, a city committee approved four new communities that could bring more than 18,000 new homes to the city.

“We do need to build houses in Calgary in a timely manner,” Ward 1 Coun. Sonya Sharp said Wednesday. “But we do need to strike a balance between inner city development and greenfield.”

Seven communities were proposed at Wednesday’s infrastructure and planning committee meeting, though only four were recommended by administration.

If passed by council, the four communities would eventually add 18,677 homes. It would cost $81 million in capital costs, which will need to be discussed in six months when council looks at budget adjustments.

As new communities are under consideration, one in southeast Calgary held an official groundbreaking Thursday morning.

Heartwood, which …

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