Foreign Interference in Canada: What we learned from NSICOP
Foreign Interference in Canada: What we learned from NSICOP
Canada at 157 – Lots to celebrate, but also to rethink: Stephen Nagy in the Japan Times

Quebec Premier Legault relaunches third link option [Video]

Quebec News

The Quebec government is moving ahead with a controversial transportation project in the provincial capital that has for years been a political lightning rod.

Premier François Legault announced Thursday his government is planning to build a third bridge connecting Quebec City with suburbs across the St. Lawrence River.

The decision comes after Legault abandoned the project last year, infuriating some voters and members of his own caucus, and then promised to revive it last fall — one day after his Coalition Avenir Québec candidate lost a Quebec City byelection.

Legault initially pitched the project as a way to alleviate traffic in the capital region, but he now says the so-called “third link” is important to ensure trucks transporting goods could still get to the city if one of the two existing bridges closed.

“We have to have humility when we need to revisit a decision,” Legault told a news conference …

The future of US-Canada relations / Double Trouble: CNAPS at AEI
The future of US-Canada relations / Double Trouble: CNAPS at AEI
Skip the lectures and fix the frickin’ pipe: Peter Menzies in the Line