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Canadas military tracking Russian navy vessels visiting Cuba – National [Video]

Canadian National News

The Canadian military is monitoring the Russian navy vessels, including a nuclear-powered submarine, visiting Cuba.

“The Canadian Armed Forces are tracking the movements and activities of the Russian naval flotilla,” the Department of National Defence told Global News in a statement.

A spokesperson said a Royal Canadian Air Force CP-140 Aurora plane and HMCS Ville de Québec “have been observing the Russian flotilla’s activities.”

The Russian submarine and navy frigate sailed into Havana’s harbour on Wednesday, joining a tugboat and fuel ship that had already arrived.

The visit is widely seen as a Kremlin show of force with tensions rising over the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The flotilla arrived after conducting “high-precision missile weapons” training in the Atlantic Ocean, Russia’s defence ministry told Reuters.

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The submarine and frigate carry hypersonic, cruise and anti-ship missiles, the Kremlin also said.

The Cuban and U.S. governments said the fleet is not carrying nuclear weapons.

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