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P.E.I. firefighters get tips from N.S. peers on removing people from crashed cars [Video]

Nova Scotia News

Firefighters from Nova Scotia and P.E.I. got together in Cornwall, P.E.I., this weekend for vehicle extrication training. CBC’s Victoria Walton stopped by.

Firefighters on Prince Edward Island got the chance to learn some vehicle extrication techniques from their Nova Scotia counterparts over the weekend. 

Three teams of six firefighters each visited the North River Fire Department in Cornwall, P.E.I., on Saturday to take part in a friendly competition to gauge how quickly they could extract a simulated victim from a vehicle involved in a mock crash.  

More important than the friendly rivalry, though, was passing along extrication techniques to Island first responders to prepare for actual events.

“Every day somewhere in Atlantic Canada there’s a motor vehicle accident that some fire department is getting a person out of,” said Eugene Justason, the Team Halifax incident commander for the training scenario. “Our goal is to get the information out so everyone …

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