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Doctors caution N.S. policy on medical assistance in dying could drive out some MDs – Halifax [Video]

Nova Scotia News

Some Nova Scotia doctors are arguing a recently approved regulation requiring they make referrals for medical assistance in dying could drive physicians from their practices and harm recruitment.

Three doctors told a news conference today the wording of the professional standard crosses a line by requiring that physicians give an “effective” referral to another doctor willing to administer the procedure.

They warned that the policy passed May 24 by the Nova Scotia College of Physicians and Surgeons could worsen the province’s shortage of family doctors if the regulator censures those who refuse to obey it.

Today’s news conference was organized by the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada.

The association said in a news release that 41 physicians in the province have signed a letter stating they’re unwilling to follow the policy, potentially putting them at risk of discipline.

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The three doctors said the wording of the rule means …

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