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East Coast Kite Festival kicks off in Halifax despite rainy start to Saturday [Video]

Nova Scotia News

Keep your eyes on the skies this weekend as the East Coast Kite Festival has officially kicked off in Halifax.

Despite the rainy weather on Saturday, the festival still opened with kites of all sizes hitting the skies.

“Everyone is welcome, I think the best thing about kites is all the ages disappear, you’re all just enjoying doing the same thing,” said Neha Bhojwani with Atlantic Kite Festival in an interview with CTV’s Ana Almeida on Thursday.

Taking place at Halifax’s Garrison Grounds and Citadel Hill, the festival offers more than just flying a kite.

“There’s going to be lots to do over the two days, we have some vendors so you can have some snacks and treats, but we’re also going to have a kids zone where they will have bouncy castles, face paintings, but also the most important piece for me is we’re going to have a kite-making workshop,” said Bhojwani.

“We’re partnering with Every One Every Day Halifax, and …

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