Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada
Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada's role as a principled provider of energy and resources
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How Airbnb fails to protect guests from hidden cameras [Video]

Ontario News

It was another lawsuit brought by another victim whose fun-filled vacation turned into a voyeuristic nightmare: A woman was secretly recorded undressing at a rental property, her images stored on the computer of an alleged sexual predator accused of spying on unsuspecting renters for years.Airbnb, one of the world’s largest short-term rental companies, has seen this sort of scenario before. Typically, the company seeks to settle hidden camera cases quickly and confidentially.But this one played out differently.An Airbnb representative testifying at a court-ordered deposition early last year offered a rare glimpse of the company’s hidden camera problem: Airbnb has generated tens of thousands of customer support tickets related to surveillance devices in the last decade.During the hours-long deposition, the Airbnb employee also revealed that when a guest complains of a hidden camera, the company doesn’t – as a matter of practice – notify law enforcement, not even when a child …

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