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No swimming recommended at Ottawa beaches on Thursday due to E.coli [Video]

Canadian National News

Ottawa Public Health is recommending you don’t go for a swim at the city’s public beaches today following this week’s heavy rainfall.

No swim advisories have been issued for Ottawa’s four beaches due to high levels of E.coli bacteria in the water.

Swimming is not recommended on Thursday at Britannia Beach, Mooney’s Bay Beach and Petrie East Bay and Petrie River beaches.

Ottawa Public Health says excessive rainfall is to blame for the high levels of E.coli bacteria at both Britannia Beach and Petrie River Beach.

Ottawa received 27 mm of rain as the remnants of Hurricane Beryl moved through the region. More rain is expected today before showers end this afternoon.

The forecast calls for a mix of sun and cloud on Friday and sunshine on Saturday and Sunday.

Ottawa Public Health updates the water quality results daily.

When swimming is not recommended, …

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