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IWK establishes new centre for precision medicine [Video]

Canadian National News

A new centre specializing in precision medicine has been established at the IWK.

Although the IWK Health Centre has a long history of precision medicine practice, the IWK Maritime Centre for Precision Medicine will allow them to provide a wider range of testing and treatments.

Precision medicine uses information about a person’s genes, proteins, environment and lifestyle to prevent, diagnose or treat disease.

“Precision medicine moves away from a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach and aims to offer personalized treatment plans, which could identify more effective and less toxic therapies,” said Lee Anne Boutilier, IWK health manager of clinical genomics, and IWK lead for precision medicine transformation, in a news release.

“Precision medicine approaches can also help diagnose conditions earlier and help people make treatment decisions that are right for them.”

The release says the new centre will unify the activities of clinical genomics, …

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