Double Trouble: Neo-Idealism, a new approach to geopolitics / Balkan Devlen and Benjamin Tallis
Double Trouble: Neo-Idealism, a new approach to geopolitics / Balkan Devlen and Benjamin Tallis
America must beware the perils of isolationism: Derek Burney in the National Post

Montreal police searching for victims of apartment scam [Video]

Canadian National News

The Montreal police (SPVM) financial crime squad is looking for victims of a man arrested for multiple rental frauds.

Police arrested Van Lanh Vuong, 43, on Thursday for allegedly defrauding people looking to rent an apartment.

Police say he contacted his victims online and enticed them with cheap places to rent.

“Once the visit was over, the suspect allegedly signed a false lease with his alleged victims, in addition to demanding a deposit equivalent to one or two months’ rent,” the SPVM said in a news release. “The victims only realised they had been cheated when they took possession of the property.”

Vuong allegedly used several different apartments in Montreal and presented himself as the owner, police say.

“This scheme enabled him to defraud numerous people and amass a large sum of money,” the SPVM said.

Vuong appeared in a Montreal courtroom on Friday and is facing fraud over $5,000 …

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