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Struggling with money? What you can do to tackle mounting debt – National [Video]

Canadian National News

Canadians are struggling with debt, from credit card bills to mortgages and loans — recent studies from TransUnion Canada and Equifax have found millions of people dealing with trillions of dollars in debt. As we pass the midway point of 2024, there are things that can be done to try and manage your money.

Last month, Equifax Canada found consumer debt had risen to $2.46 trillion at the end of this year’s first quarter.

Rubina Ahmed-Haq, a personal finance expert and host of For What It’s Worth on the Corus Entertainment radio network, told Global News a good way to tackle debt is to “do the basic work.”

That can include:

  • Cutting back on extra purchases
  • Shopping with savings in mind
  • Don’t buy things you don’t need
  • Take a road trip instead of paying airfare for a holiday

“Making these real decisions that actually save you money for the meantime,” she said. “They’re going to get …

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