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Could the U.S. election impact Canada’s defence spending? [Video]

Canadian National News

As we move closer to the U.S. election, will be examining the relationship between Canada and the U.S. in a series of features.

Canada has long faced criticism from the U.S. and other allies for failing to meet NATO’s defence spending target, which directs members of the security alliance to contribute at least two per cent of their GDP to defence.

After a torrent of criticism from its NATO allies, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did say this week that Canada would reach that benchmark – but it won’t happen until 2032 and he offered few details as to the timeline.

And while Republicans and Democrats alike have long complained about Canada’s sluggish military spending, experts say Canada is more likely to suffer consequences under a second Trump presidency, which could also end U.S. support for Ukraine.

Aaron Ettinger is an associate professor of political science at …

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