Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada
Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada's role as a principled provider of energy and resources
The long road back for relevance in Canada’s global standing: Robert W. Murray in National Newswatch

CTV News Londons top stories from this week [Video]

Ontario News

CTVNews.ca Top Stories

Should you wait to buy or sell your home?

The Bank of Canada is expected to announce its key interest rate decision in less than two weeks. Last month, the bank lowered its key interest rate to 4.7 per cent, marking its first rate cut since March 2020.

Tips for staying safe against blue-green algae this summer

With temperatures rising for the oncoming summer, many shutdowns due to the toxic blue-green algae has made for a tough time finding a safe spot to swim in the region – with one of the most recent shutdowns at Cunard Pond Beach in Halifax.

Authoritarian Alliances in Afghanistan
Authoritarian Alliances in Afghanistan
Double Trouble – Reflections from GLOBESEC: Jonathan Berkshire Miller, Marcus Kolga, and Alexander Lanoszka