The hidden world of organized crime in Canada: Todd Hataley and Alexander Dalziel
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Whitewater Region teen charged after alleged joyride [Video]

Ontario News

A 17-year-old from Whitewater Region is facing several charges after allegedly taking the family car for a spin and crashing it last week.

Ontario Provincial Police say a damaged vehicle was found abandoned on Gore Line, near Westmeath, Ont. the morning of July 9. The vehicle was in a ditch and had struck a utility pole.

The driver, who only had a G1 licence, had allegedly taken the vehicle without consent of a family member earlier that day, police claimed, and suffered minor injuries.

The teen, who cannot be identified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, is facing charges of taking a vehicle without consent, careless driving, failing to remain at the scene of an accident, failing to report an accident, failing to report damage to property on a highway, driving while unaccompanied by a qualified driver, and driving at an unlawful hour.

G1 drivers are not permitted to drive …

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