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Fishermen spend 5-hours in Lake Ontario while swimming ashore to safety [Video]

Ontario News

The Orleans County Sheriff’s Office shared a story from over the weekend where two fishermen were able to swim to shore after their boat sunk.

KENDALL, N.Y. — The Orleans County Sheriff’s Office shared a fascinating story of two fisherman whose boat was sinking in Lake Ontario and no one around to help.

Although the situation could have been really bad, the two fishermen were able to save themselves by swimming 5-miles to shore.

In a post made to their Facebook page the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office wrote:

“Peter Keppler, 71, of Medina and William Wittman, 44, of Albion were fishing on a 1994 fishing boat that is 26 feet long. They were about 5 miles offshore” said Sheriff Chris Bourke.

“At some point, the vessel began taking on water and the bilge pump was not functioning,” Bourke stated in a news release. “The two individuals equipped with life vests eventually ended up in the water. After being in the water for over five …

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