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Port Stanley drowning puts focus on swimming safety at Lake Erie beach [Video]

Ontario News

The drowning of a teenage boy off Port Stanley’s main beach on Sunday is reigniting conversations around safe swimming practices, and the lack of provincial standards around beach safety.

Omer Buz, 14, was swimming at the beach with his father and brother when all three went into distress in rough waters. Lami Buz and son Mohammad, 17, were rescued by lifeguards, but Omer could not be saved.

The 14-year-old’s body was recovered Tuesday from a rocky area near the Port Stanley pier break wall after an extensive search. Omer’s death has hit Port Stanley and the local Muslim community hard. Dozens of people had linked arms on Sunday in a human chain to try and find the boy.

A funeral for Omer took place on Wednesday. The teen had recently arrived in the London area with his family from Türkiye, having fled from the Syrian civil war.

A candlelight vigil …

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