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Baeleigh Maurice: Sask. woman charged in fatal THC-impaired case making Charter defence [Video]

Saskatchewan News

The lawyer representing a woman who struck and killed a child while driving says a number of her Charter rights were violated.

Nine-year-old Baeleigh Maurice was going to school on Sept. 9, 2021, pushing her scooter at a 33rd Street West crosswalk, when she was it by a truck.

The driver, Taylor Kennedy, is the first person in Saskatchewan to be charged for causing a death while driving under the influence of THC. At the crash scene, Kennedy told police she smoked weed and micro-dosed magic mushrooms the day prior.

As the voir dire — a trial within the trial that determines which evidence is admissible — resumed Thursday, Kennedy’s lawyer Thomas Hynes argued his client was psychologically detained by police at the crash site.

Hynes said Kennedy was a “minority” at the scene because she was a young woman surrounded by armed police officers. He said an officer was …

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