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Ottawa soccer star heading to Dubai for trial with Alqabila F.C. [Video]

Ontario News

As a love for soccer grows in Ottawa and across the country, a young player is now getting a chance to prove himself in Dubai at a professional club with the help of a local soccer league.

On any given day, the soccer pitch is where you’ll find Abdulazeez Al-Hammood.

“I’ve been playing soccer since I was eight-years-old,” said Al-Hammood, who moved to Ottawa from Iraq with his family in 2018.

The 19-year-old dreams of playing with the pros and he’s one step closer to achieving that goal, after recently competing in a Super League Ottawa tournament.

“I was waiting for this opportunity for my whole life and I’ve been working hard for it,” he said. “It was a great feeling, even with my family watching me.”

Al-Hammood was selected out of 150 players to …

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