First Nations Wealth Production and Management
First Nations Wealth Production and Management
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Beluga calves born in St. Lawrence spell out critical boating safety period [Video]

Canadian National News

The St. Lawrence beluga population welcomes its calves in summer, and that’s when the young mammals begin their social learning, a critical period for the future of the new arrivals, as the fjord and river also welcome hordes of recreational boaters.

As in previous years, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Parks Canada, the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM) and the Marine Mammal Observation Network (ROMM) are jointly leading the St. Lawrence Beluga Protection and Awareness Campaign.

The campaign, which will be conducted on the water, at public events, and online, aims to raise awareness among people in the beluga habitat about appropriate behaviours to adopt when in their presence.

In 2023, they reached out to more than 1,300 boaters, notably through joint boat patrols. They have been underway since July 21 and will continue until Aug. 4, with fishery officers and park wardens patrolling the estuary …

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