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Water restrictions remain as more wire snaps detected along feeder main [Video]

Alberta News

A city official says Calgary will remain under Stage 1 outdoor water restrictions while it investigates potential points of concern along its recently repaired feeder main.

Calgarians have been living with some amount of water restrictions, indoors or out, since the feeder main ruptured in June.

Since then, the city has been inching toward a return to normalcy.

On Friday, during the city’s latest update, the director of water services said again, slowly but surely, we’re getting there.

However, she also pointed out a need for further investigation for flaws.

“As we shared earlier in the week, we have turned on an additional pump at the Bearspaw water treatment plant in order to increase the flow of water to the feeder main to 75 per cent of its maximum speed,” Nancy Mackay said.

“Since then, we’ve continued to closely monitor the system, including watching for pressure changes (and) signs of …

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