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Whitby resident calls 911 to complain about police sirens [Video]

Ontario News

Police in Durham Region released audio Wednesday of a 911 call made by a Whitby resident who complained about sirens to highlight the inappropriate use of the emergency number.

In the audio, the resident, whose voice was altered for privacy reasons, tells the 911 operator that sirens are going off “like every hour” before asking if everything is okay.

The operator replies that because it’s the weekend, there is a higher frequency of emergency calls.

“I can’t tell you what’s going on, but, I mean, there’s no risk into the area that you’re in right now,” the 911 operator says. “It’s busy. Durham Region has expanded so much.”

The resident then informs the operator that he is making a complaint, saying he grew up in the area and has never heard sirens “like this.”

“It’s ridiculous. Unless there’s a lot of crime going on, I don’t know what you guys …

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