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H-2A workers employed in Payette receive back wages, damages [Video]

Ontario News

The workers were said to not be paid fairly, and lived in unsafe housing conditions.

PAYETTE, Idaho — The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division found Ontario Partners LLC had 76 H-2A employees working on a farm that were not on their program application. The employees also did not receive time-and-a-half wages for overtime work. 

The U.S. The Department of Labor recovered $268,417 in back wages and liquidated damages for the 76 agricultural H-2A workers. An investigation found the employer housed the employees in unsafe living conditions, and did not grant overtime pay.

“Farmworkers provide essential labor that helps feed millions of Americans and have rights we will vigorously protect, regardless of the country they call home,” said Wage and Hour Division District Director Katherine Walum in Portland, Oregon.

H-2A is defined by the Department of Labor as, “[the] program allows U.S. employers or U.S. agents who meet …

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