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What is driving high flight costs, lack of direct routes in the Maritimes [Video]

Canadian National News

Anyone who has been to Maritime airports in recent months has likely noticed one common thing: most of them are empty.

As the cost of flying continues to rise and the region continues to lose direct flight routes, some people are left wondering what the future of travel in our region will look like.

Former chief operating officer with Air Canada Duncan Dee said while some North America places like New York are seeing overcrowding and no lack of flights in their airports, other more rural areas are not so lucky.

“This is a story of the haves and the have-nots and what we’re seeing in Canada is many more have-nots in terms of air service to their communities,” said Dee in an interview with CTV News Atlantic’s Todd Battis on Tuesday.

Dee said when a flight route is lost, it’s unlikely it will return to the previous rate as many smaller routes were serviced by smaller …

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