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US women have lower life expectancy than other high-income countries, study says [Video]

Canadian National News

In today’s Health Alert, a new study reveals that American women have a shorter life expectancy and face the highest rate of avoidable deaths among 14 other high-income countries.

This study comes from The Commonwealth Fund. Researchers found that women in the US live about 80 years, which is the shortest among the 14 high-income countries studied. On average, American women live two years less than peers in the United Kingdom, four years less than those in Canada, six years less than those in France, and seven years less than those in Japan. This is despite the United States spending more money on health care than these other countries.

When it comes to cause of death, heart disease is the leading issue for women in the US. Among the 14 countries, the US has the highest number of women dying from heart disease. Sadly, the rate was more than double …

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