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Community committees allow Yukon First Nations to have more say over schools [Video]

North West Territories News

The First Nation School Board (FNSB) in Yukon is making a way for communities to have more power over their local schools.

Community committees are subcommittees of the FNSB and the members are appointed by local First Nation governments.

FNSB executive director Melissa Flynn says the goal is to pass authority onto the communities.

“The community committee differs from the traditional school council. We [the FNSB] enter into an agreement with the First Nations and so it’s bringing back that authentic co-governance … around management and operations of the school on their traditional territories,” she said.

Five schools under the First Nation School Board are still looking for committee members. Community committees are replacing traditional school councils with more power over school governance.Colleen Joe-Titus chairs the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations committee. She spoke with CBC reporter Gabrielle Plonka about the role the committee plays at her school.

The committees …

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