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Saskatchewan village loses multiple landmarks in fire [Video]

Saskatchewan News

A small Saskatchewan village has lost several important landmarks following a fire on Tuesday afternoon.

Cheryl Greuel, the mayor of Wiseton, Sask. says she was at work in a nearby community school when she received an urgent phone call.

“Around 1:45 I got a call saying that fire had been dispatched to Wiseton, and that the old bar was on fire,” Greuel told CTV News.

Greuel says it appears the fire started in a truck parked near the old hotel and quickly spread from the bar of the hotel to the nearby village office. She quickly put out a call for help on social media, and nearby fire departments and neighbours answered the call.

(Source: Dave Westbury / Facebook)

“I actually went on Snapchat on our group chat, and I said the bar is on fire, send your water. And then I made Facebook posts and everybody shared that, and we made calls to the …

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