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Amazon scam, police impersonation under investigation: RCMP [Video]

Nova Scotia News

The public is being warned of a scam involving fake suspicious activity on their Amazon account and the impersonation of a police officer.

Nova Scotia RCMP said the investigation began after a Lawrencetown area resident received a call last Thursday from someone claiming to be a security representative from Amazon. Police said the victim was told there was suspicious activity on their account and was then transferred to another person claiming to be from a law enforcement agency.

The person was then told RCMP was investigating the “unusual transactions.” They were also provided with the phone number for Nova Scotia RCMP headquarters, as well as a fake name for a police officer who was supposedly working on the file.

Police said the victim was told to withdraw money and give it to an undercover RCMP officer who would show up to collect it. Later that evening, a man arrived at the victim’s residence to get the money.

Police …

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