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STC chief criticizes proposed Saskatoon downtown shelter [Video]

Saskatchewan News

There’s more fallout on the proposed shelter in downtown Saskatoon. This time, it’s from Saskatoon Tribal Council (STC) Tribal Chief Mark Arcand who says, the province should be putting more funding into existing shelters like the one in Fairhaven.

“Put this shelter on pause for the next fiscal year,” he said.

Arcand wants the city and province to stop what he calls a rushed process to open a new shelter for this winter and focus on putting that money into existing services, like the STC Fairhaven shelter and Salvation Army in Riversdale.

Arcand maintains funding should not be spread thin across multiple locations but rather concentrated on current providers to enable them to deliver more effective services.

“We have a lack of supports with the current funding model,” he said.

“I’m concerned about our shelter in Fairhaven because we’ve shown great outcomes and results. The province will say we’re a …

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