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Thomas Hamp believed a ‘secret police’ were after him the night he killed his girlfriend [Video]

Saskatchewan News

This story contains details that some readers may find disturbing

Thomas Hamp says he believed secret police were out to kidnap, torture, and kill him when he fatally stabbed his girlfriend Emily Sanche in February of 2022.

Hamp, 27, is accused of second-degree murder in Sanche’s death and took the stand to testify at his Court of King’s Bench trial Wednesday.

On Feb. 20, 2022, Hamp believed this secret police, who he believed were conspiring against him, would also torture and rape Sanche.

“Me killing the both of us was a more merciful way for us to die,” Hamp said to his lawyer Wednesday.

Hamp said he was previously diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, but in October 2021 he began to experience delusions and intrusive thoughts that worsened leading up to the stabbing.

He began to believe he was surrounded by pedophiles and that people close to him were conspiring …

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