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Louis-Charles Thouin: ethics commissioner clears a CAQ MNA after soliciting donations for meetings [Video]

Quebec News

Quebec City –

The Ethics Commissioner of the National Assembly has cleared Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) MNA Louis-Charles Thouin of solicitation messages to municipal officials in his riding.

Ariane Mignolet’s investigation concluded that the MNA for Rousseau did not violate the code of ethics for elected officials.

However, she also suggested that by 2025, she would be putting forward “certain ethical and deontological considerations and issues related to political financing” and “guidelines.”

Last January, The Canadian Press revealed that Thouin was sending invitations for CAQ fundraising cocktail parties to municipal councillors so they could discuss their issues with a special guest, Transport Minister Geneviève Guilbault.

The opposition had accused the CAQ of filling its coffers by paying for access to its ministers.

The Code of Ethics stipulates that an MNA “may not place himself in a situation where his personal interest may influence his independence of judgement in the exercise of his office,” or “may not act, attempt to act …

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