Free speech on life support in Canada’s universities: Peter Copeland and Ian Brodie
Free speech on life support in Canada’s universities: Peter Copeland and Ian Brodie
The Trudeau government’s tax on American tech giants is a lose-lose for consumers and the Canadian economy: David Collins in the Hub

Luna Rossa progresses to Louis Vuitton Cup Challenger Final [Video]

Canadian National News
After the drama of yesterday’s racing when the New York YC’s team American Magic clawed their way back from being 4-1 down to 4-3, their fate was decided in just 23 minutes racing in a breeze of 9-11kts with 20° shifts.

Artis Pabriks cautions Canadians against ignoring matters of defence and security
Artis Pabriks cautions Canadians against ignoring matters of defence and security
The long road back for relevance in Canada’s global standing: Robert W. Murray in National Newswatch