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Ontario city approves new renoviction bylaw some critics call weak [Video]

Ontario News

Despite pushback from some councillors over its effectiveness, London, Ont., passed a “renoviction” bylaw to deter bad landlords from using evictions to force lower-paying tenants out.

Earlier this week London became the third municipality in Ontario to approve measures to prevent unfair evictions.

London’s deputy city manager called the plan an important step to protect renters from being forced out of their homes and discourage landlords from abusing the N13 notices to evict tenants.

“We know renting is a vital housing option in London and that renovictions result in the displacement of tenants and the loss of important affordable market rentals in the community,” says Scott Mathers, deputy city manager of planning and economic development.

An N13 allowed landlords to end a tenancy agreement because they want to demolish, repair, or convert the resident unit for another use.

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Some critics say landlords often use these to get rid of long-term tenants paying lower rents.

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