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McGill University could cancel semester for law students over faculty strike [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government

McGill University is threatening to cancel law school classes for the rest of the semester if it can’t reach an agreement with a faculty union that has been on strike since August, but the union says it won’t back down.

The university says it will drop its legal challenge of the faculty’s right to unionize — one of the union’s key demands — if the Association of McGill Professors of Law agrees to negotiate working conditions collectively with other unions at the school. However, the professors’ association is calling the proposed deal a “non-offer,” and says agreeing to end the strike will leave McGill holding all the cards.

The ultimatum is the latest development in a saga that has unfolded since law professors opted not to return to classrooms at the start of the fall semester, leaving students uncertain about what impact the strike could have on their academic future.

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