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Nutrien celebrates 65 years of potash production in Saskatchewan [Video]

Saskatchewan News

The impact of the above and below-ground operations at Nutrien’s potash mines span multiple generations, fuelling the local economy and feeding the world.

Celebrating 65 years in the Saskatchewan potash industry, Nutrien gave a special tour of its Allan mine east of Saskatoon.

Building started in 1964, and the first tonne of raw ore was pulled up to the surface in 1968. Over the last six decades, it’s seen giant leaps in technology which have further improved safety and productivity.

“When I started here in the mid-1990s, we were producing around a million tonnes per year of potash,” said Les Frehlich, general manager at Nutrien Allan Potash. “Now we have the capability to produce three million tonnes per year, and we’re currently executing a few projects to get up to 3.5 million tonnes per year.”

Media were given a tour of the mine and mill processes to see how raw …

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