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Winnipeg police: infant found abused, malnourished [Video]

Manitoba News

The parents of an infant who was found to be malnourished and abused are facing charges.

At the end of September, hospital officials notified the Winnipeg Police Service of an infant that had been brought to emergency with suspicious injuries.

The child abuse unit investigated and determined the child’s parents brought the baby to the hospital as she was unresponsive and suffering from multiple injuries.

During the course of the investigation, doctors determined the infant’s injuries were a result of malnutrition and abuse.

On Tuesday, police arrested both parents without incident. A 29-year-old Winnipeg woman is facing the charge of failing to provide the necessities of life, and a 33-year-old Winnipeg man is facing charges of aggravated assault and failing to provide the necessities of life.

They were taken into police custody.

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