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SAQ prices are going up in February [Video]

Quebec News

The Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) says it will be increasing its prices this winter.

The price hike, which will take effect in February 2025, will exclude “small-price” wines, which are sold for less than $12.

According to the SAQ, this new “moderate” mark-up is necessary due to rising costs and the financial context in which it operates.

The Crown corporation points out that there has been only one increase in its mark-up since 2017, which took place last May, but it now plans to review it annually.

The mark-up represents the gross margin that the SAQ takes after paying suppliers.

In May, the increase excluded wines sold at $15 or less.

In 2025, that will be reduced to bottles sold for less than $12.

The surcharge will apply differently to the various alcohol and bottle prices.

For a $15 wine, the SAQ indicates that the mark-up will increase …

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