Double Trouble: The challenge of China and Russia (Live in Calgary)
Double Trouble: The challenge of China and Russia (Live in Calgary)
If the U.S. doesn’t want to trade, let’s try Britain: David Collins in the Financial Post

Regina’s Gathering Place hosts holiday dinner [Video]

Saskatchewan News

Dozens of cars lined up around the block and down the street as the Gathering Place was the venue to a drive thru holiday dinner.

For the meal, the Regina Treaty Indian Status Services (RT/SIS) cooked nearly 30 turkeys, as well as all of the side dishes with the intention of serving upwards of 1,000 meals.

Over the last week, the team of roughly 50 people have been preparing for the meal. For many years, it has been an annual event meant to give back to the community RT/SIS serves.

“It’s about how we come together and support ourselves in community. We are remembering where we are and the people we have the privilege of serving,” said Natasha Kennedy, the executive director of RT/SIS.

A drive thru option was offered at an annual community dinner on Thursday. …

Confiscating Russia
Confiscating Russia's frozen assets for Ukraine's reconstruction: Balkan Devlen, Aaron Gasch Burnett
Canada can no longer afford a peace dividend: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post