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Lethbridge-West byelection campaigns enter final week – Lethbridge [Video]

Canadian National News

A forum was held at the Lethbridge Public Library on Tuesday evening where the front-running candidates in the Lethbridge-West byelection went toe to toe on various issues.

Rob Miyashiro of the NDP and John Middleton-Hope of the UCP were present, but the Alberta Party’s Layton Veverka was unable to attend. His wife read a statement on his behalf.

The candidates fielded questions from the public and a media panel of three community-selected reporters. The questions asked about the Canada Pension Plan, health care, environment and safety, education and even loyalty to Lethbridge.

The day after the forum was held, both candidates spoke about the event.

“I will stand up for Lethbridge all the time, that’s what my job is,” Middleton-Hope said in an interview on Wednesday afternoon. “That doesn’t mean that I will vote against the party, but it does mean that I will put Lethbridge first.”

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Miyashiro offered a …

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