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SGI reminds people to find a safe, sober ride home this holiday season [Video]

Saskatchewan News

With the holidays upon us, SGI is once again reminding those out celebrating to find a safe ride home.

Drivers in Saskatchewan have been making strides in preventing impaired driving, but the dangers still exist.

SGI is continuing to encourage people to make the conscious choice to not get behind the wheel impaired, so that we can all continue to have these festive get-togethers.

“Whether you’re at the holiday party, a friends and family gathering, maybe you’ve got some friends and relatives in from out of town over the holiday season, just take some time to discuss how you’re going to get home that night,” said Michaela Solomon, SGI communications consultant.

SGI says impaired driving is a factor in a third of all traffic fatalities year over year but adds impaired driving has significantly decreased in the province over the past decade — signaling drivers in Saskatchewan may be getting the message.

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