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Montreal femicide trial moving forward [Video]

Quebec News

A Quebec Superior Court judge has decided to send a man accused of femicide to trial in February even though he said he has not been able to find a defence lawyer more than three years after the alleged murder.

Romane Bonnier was an a singer, ballet dancer and aspiring actress when she was stabbed to death outside of her apartment on Aylmer Street in Montreal’s Plateau, near McGill University.

It was the 17th femicide of 2021 and led many to attend rallies an vigils in her memory as calls grew to end violence against women.

Francois Pelletier, 36, was arrested at the scene and charged with first-degree murder the next day.

His family says he has a history of mental illness, and three years later, the case has not proceeded.

Pelletier has fired his three previous lawyers and the judge appointed a friend of the court to help the …

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