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Map reveals locations where UK house prices have risen most and least in2024- is your town one of them? [Video]

Nova Scotia News

A MAP has revealed where UK house prices have risen the most and least in 2024.

The value of a typical home hit a record high of £293,999 in November, according to Halifax, the nation’s biggest mortgage lender. 

However, a closer look at the regional picture reveals a stark contrast in property price trends across the UK over the past year

This is 3.9% higher than last year, when a typical house was worth £283,053 – £10,946 less than it is now.

Property prices stalled for more than two and a half years as higher mortgage rates made it harder for households to afford to move and take on a higher mortgage.

However, a closer look at the regional picture reveals a stark contrast in property price trends across the UK over the past year.

Property prices have surged by over 17% in some areas, adding more than £33,000 to the value of a typical …

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