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Ryan Khurana explains how AI differs from human intelligence and struggles with basic human tasks
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Montreal man takes stove manufacturer to court and wins [Video]

Quebec News

A Montreal man has won a small claims court case with the help of Quebec’s consumer protection office after a manufacturer refused to replace a part.

Graeme Bishops remodelled his kitchen a few years ago and invested in the best stove oven he could buy.

Four years later, however, Bishops noticed a major and dangerous malfunction when electrical shorting was hot enough to melt the connectors in a part.

He attempted to order the part so he could replace it, but the manufacturer told him the part was discontinued.

“We’re not talking about a spring or a screw; we’re talking about an integral piece of the item not being available and not being supported aftermarket,” said Bishops.

The manufacturer refused to exchange the range and only offered him a discount on a new one.

He took the manufacturer to court to seek reimbursement and won.

Quebec’s consumer protection office was on his side.

“The law says that goods …

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